Doing It Your Way, Cheryl Hauser’s SendOff Celebration
There are times in life (and in death) when we want to take control and do it our own way. After watching her beloved brother Bill suffer from Alzheimer’s, Cheryl Hauser, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at age 76, knew she wanted to take a different path.
When the time came that her quality of life was increasingly non-existent, she would choose to die in her own terms, hastening death through the process of VSED, or Voluntarily Stop Eating and Drinking. VSED is legal, medically supervised, and incorporates hospice care. It’s also a bold and empowered choice, and to raise awareness and educate others on compassionate choices for people with terminal illnesses, she and her family shared their journey on social media and through updates on her website.
Before she started the VSED process, Cheryl and her family met with our team to curate the celebration she wanted her family and friends to have after she passed. It was a profound experience for our team, and we’re honored to have been part of her journey.
A Vibrant Celebration
Cheryl had a big personality and that was evident at her SendOff. She selected the Glass House in Minneapolis, an open, airy, modern space. Her SendOff celebration included a big spread of delicious food, lively music, and a popcorn machine!
She was exuberant, joyful, and loving. A toast was given in her honor and in part it said “She was one of life’s greatest ambassadors.”
This process allowed her to become an advocate and educator of end-of-life choices. In advance of beginning the VSED process she made several other impactful choices including donating her brain to be studied at the Mayo Clinic, alkaline hydrolysis (or water cremation), an eco-friendly alternative to cremation by fire, selecting a contemporary urn for her remains, and choosing the perfect venue and personalized details for her SendOff celebration.
Cheryl’s input and energy ran through every detail of her SendOff and we all raise our glass to a life and death well done! Learn more about Cheryl’s planning process from her daughters, featured in the video below.